

Fixed Menu Color and Size Transitions on Scroll

ScrollUp is now deprecated in favor of Chroma.

You should use Chroma for all future projects.

Chroma has all the features of ScrollUp included and much more as well.


Your kind donations fund the running costs and keep the stacks and support free.

Thank you in advance.


Top Bar Animations and more

Several people requested the ability to have TopBar behave like many of the famous RapidWeaver themes, where upon scrolling the page, it changes size and opacity.

ScrollUp does exactly that but more over it is not limited to TopBar. ScrollUp can contain anything that you wish to animate the background color and container size of upon scrolling of the page.


ScrollUp is super simple to use.

Simply drop your TopBar into the stack, set your preferred appearance and scroll behaviour and thats it.

You then have a TopBar that fits with many modern designs, particularly those with transparent navigation and background images.

ScrollUp can do so much more than TopBar animations, in fact it can animate any stack at any given scroll position.

ScrollUp footers work really well. You can see them in operation on some of the pages on the Scroll Up Demo Site

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